We dress the way we dress

Creating simple designs with complex meaning is how I express myself. I chose Apparel as an outlet purely, because each morning I wake up I dress how I feel. When I wake up feeling amazing and decide “I want to go out today!” I throw pieces with colors that I feel compliments each other. When I wake up feeling like “It’s a lazy afternoon”, I’m going to wear jogging pants/sweatpants and a random T-shirt. Not quite sure if that's the process for most people, but subconsciously I dress a certain way. It just became a way of showing how I felt without telling people verbally.

If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.
— Maya Angelou


get familiar with the neighborhood

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Michelle Velasco

(Graphic Designer)

Michelle Velasco is the Creator of New Logos for Crev4Cuba. You will see more of her work throughout the Brand.



(Record Label)

Crev recently became a Resident of The Village; he assists with Apparel & Design




Parker Wierling is an amazing Artist & Host of “On That Note”, a podcast that focuses on Upcoming Artist in the Industry.


The Bold Opinion


With the EID being Jannah Bolds; The Bold Opinion is the source that gives you a different perspective from what we see on a regular basis.



I usually make samples, some from as early as 2017, my inventory gradually grew and I knew I wanted supporters to have these special pieces, but most importantly I wanted them to pay what they wanted for them so..

On April 18, 2020 I launched my first auction on the @CREV4CUBA account where followers could do live bidding.

Make sure to turn on IG Post Notification to get a 24hr notice of whats going live.